Astrology charts are based on a set rules that are altered by the dates of certain events. While in the past this was researched manually, the more modern, correct and best astrological predictions come from software that is able to process vast amounts of zodiac signs, there relation and influence over you, and be able to give you the information in a readable and " saleable " format! | ||||
When it comes to determining what Zodiac sign you fall under, things can get very confusing, with countless dates, hours, and months all affecting your Zodiac sign. Fortunately, there is software available that makes it easy to figure out what Zodiac sign is yours, without all of the confusing reading and researching which is often associated with trying to discover your sign. When it comes to meeting the right people, many people look to their Zodiac sign to see what type of people they are going to be compatible with. For some people, these signs determine who they are friends with, and who they
are not friends with. Other people like to find their sign just because it interests them. Whatever your reason, you will find that certain people really do mesh well with certain other people!
Now that we know about the 12 Zodiac signs, we have to further break them down. They break down into groups of elements, which are:
Typically speaking, the best blend between two people in a relationship (and this relates to any relationship) involves two people of the same element. A Earth with Fire: Material success will follow these two individuals, however there will be disagreements about just how these two people will achieve their success. Fire with Water: There will be steamy passion between these individuals, however there will be equally steamy disagreements. Earth with Air: There is a specific point where these two people will respect one another mentally, however there may be feelings of unreliability between these people. Water with Earth: Earth will feel nourished and warm thanks to Water, who will in turn feel supported by the stability of Earth. As you can see, these are just a few examples of what happens when different people with different elements come together. Some are more exciting than others! |